
Privacy Policy Statement

Our privacy policy helps you understand what we do and what you can do with information on our website.


Selkon makes every effort to protect the privacy of its customers and has taken precautionary measures to ensure that information provided by customers/browsers or registered as subscribers to e-mail lists remains private, and protected against loss and misuse or alteration. You can navigate most of Selkon ‘s websites without entering personal data. We need a registration only for the delivery of products and reactions to inquiries.

In this privacy policy, we inform the users about the type, extent and purpose of the collection and use of personal data as well as any passing on of data to third parties. To ensure that this information is accessible to you at the beginning of the usage process and always, you will find a link to this privacy policy on every Selkon website. The following data protection information applies to this and all other websites that refer to this data protection information.

Information we collect

We collect information to provide better services to all users and to stay in contact with you after your visit to the Selkon website.

Transparency and choice

Everyone has different concerns about data protection. The aim of Selkon is to clarify what information we collect so that you can make meaningful decisions about its use.

Information provided by us

Some of the services of Selkon allow you to share information with others. Remember, when you publicly disclose information that this information may be indexed by search engines, including Google.

Non-personal data

As a rule, you can visit Selkon websites without having to provide any personal data. Location information on your Internet Protocol (IP) address, the website from which you are visiting Selkon and the web pages that you view at Selkon, the number, date and time of your visits and search terms that you enter in the search and that you entered to access the web pages of Selkon. 

Your identity remains completely anonymous. This information is evaluated for statistical purposes to determine the acceptance and attractiveness of this website and to improve its contents.

Collection and use of personal data

In some places on the Selkon web pages, various forms are offered, e. g. for product or service offers, registration, enquiries, contact, order, applications or newsletter functions. Personal data will only be collected and processed if you use these services from Selkon and voluntarily provide the data necessary for processing your request.

If you decide to provide us with information such as company name, department, address, e-mail address or other personal data, Selkon may store, process and evaluate these data and forward them to authorized sales companies or other contractual partners of Selkon, exclusively for maintaining the customer relationship with you, in particular for your information about the offer of Selkon products.

Personal data from applications, however, will only be passed on to affiliated companies or other third parties upon explicit request and consent of the person concerned. This also applies to the storage of application data beyond the usual duration of the application process.

Information provided by us

We do not pass on any personal data to companies, organizations or persons outside of Selkon, except in one of the following circumstances:

For external processing

We make personal data available to Selkon ‘s partners, other trustworthy companies or persons who process them on behalf of Selkon. This is done on the basis of Selkon’s instructions and in accordance with the privacy policy of Selkon as well as other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

For legal reasons

We will pass on personal data to companies, organizations or persons outside of Selkon if we can assume in good faith that it is reasonably necessary to access, use, store or pass on this data in order to be able to do so:

to comply with applicable laws, regulations or legal proceedings or to comply with an enforceable administrative order.

to enforce applicable terms of use, including investigation of possible violations.

detect, prevent or otherwise combat fraud, security deficiencies or technical problems

to protect the rights, property or safety of Selkon, the users or the public against damage, as far as legally permissible or necessary.


When you visit a Selkon website, it is possible that information in the form of a “cookie” is stored on your computer to automatically recognize it the next time you visit it. For example, cookies allow you to customize a website to suit your interests or to save your password so that you do not have to enter it each time.

You can also set your browser in such a way that all cookies, including those linked to the Selkon services, are blocked or that a message is displayed as soon as a cookie is set. However, keep in mind that many services may not work properly if you have cookies disabled.

Google Analytics

The Selkon website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (” Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help us analyze your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information for evaluating your website use, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. Google will in no case associate your IP address with other Google data.

By using the Selkon web pages, you agree to the processing of the data collected about you by Google in the manner and for the purpose described above.

Links to other websites

The websites of Selkon contain links to other websites. The links do not mean that Selkon endorses or adopts the content of the linked pages. The linked sites are not under the control of Selkon and therefore Selkon assumes no responsibility for these links, their content and data protection strategy and the possible transmission of data through them.

Data transmission

The transmission of data over the Internet is not completely secure. The use of the technologies used by Selkon for data transmission is at the user’s own risk.

Unauthorized access and security

Selkon protects your data against unauthorized access, loss or destruction by means of technical and organizational measures. Selkon safety measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments. It cannot be completely ruled out that unauthorized third parties such as hackers may gain access to Selkon ‘s websites and the information contained therein. Selkon is not responsible for any damage that may occur as a result.

Accessing and updating your personal data

Some of the services of Selkon can only be accessed by certain persons who must enter a password and provide personal information.

Whenever you use Selkon services, Selkon endeavours to give you access to your personal data. Should this data be inaccurate, Selkon will endeavour to provide you with the opportunity to update or remove it quickly – unless Selkon must keep this data for legitimate business or legal purposes.

Selkon strives to provide the services in a manner that protects the data from accidental or deliberate destruction. For this reason, Selkon does not immediately delete any remaining copies of data that you have deleted from Selkon services from the active servers and does not remove this data from the backup systems.

Right of withdrawal

You can revoke any consent given to Selkon for the collection or processing of your personal data at any time with effect for the future. Upon receipt of your revocation by Selkon, your data will be deleted immediately, insofar as it is not necessary for the execution of any contractual usage relationship with you or for the protection of the legitimate business interest of Selkon, or if it is contrary to statutory storage obligations.

Right to information for the processing of personal data:

Purpose of processing


Recipients or categories of recipients

Retention period

Right of rectification or erasure

Right of appeal to the supervisory authority

Origin of the data

Existence of an automatic decision-making process

Information about the transfer to a third country


The privacy policy of Selkon may change from time to time. Selkon will not limit your rights under this privacy policy without your express consent.

Right to information, correction and deletion

In accordance with the applicable law, we will be happy to provide you with information on the personal data stored about you upon your written request, and on your written instruction we will also correct or delete any such data. If there are legal storage obligations for the data, the data will only be blocked for further use. Please send all such enquiries in text form (by letter or e-mail) to Selkon.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at:

240, Kannudaiyampalayam, 


Erode .

 Tamil Nadu-



Mobile No: +91 9655321216





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